Thursday, June 27, 2013

Playing With The Big Boys Now

This is me, testing out the loom that Bruno is going to have me weave on next week.  He has a commission to recreate a 14th century woollen textile.  I unfortunately won't be around long enough to help him make the actual thing, but my job will be to make about 3 meters of cloth testing different weaves.  We'll also see how well the whole thing felts up.

In the meantime, I need to start building some upper-body strength and refine my core to work this thing.


  1. Do planks, pushups (kneeling or regular), and pullups (assisted with support if needed).
    You've already got conditioned legs but toss on some squats and it's a fairly rounded basic workout.

  2. Love the video clip. Yup, you're gonna have some muscles there!
