Thursday, June 13, 2013


First pic:  thumb all wrapped up in the first thing I had at hand.  Second pic:  thumb after being wrapped up tightly for maybe 15 minutes.  I certainly will lose my thumbnail, but seeing as it is cut in half, that should be a straightforward process.  If I get some good bruising, I'll be sure to share pics of that as well :)

When Bruno got back to the house, he got me some homeopathic stuff, both for my thumb and for the little bit of shock that was making my hands shake. Also, he got me a real bandaid.  And Kate gave me a hug.  It doesn't hurt so bad anymore.

I am OH SO glad that I didn't lose the tip of my thumb!!  I am also grateful that it is my left thumb so that it won't interfere that much with typing or sewing.  Thank you thank you thank you, Heavenly Father, for that.


  1. Oh, lady! I'm glad you still have a thumb too!
    Watch that thing like a hawk. I am glad it's feeling better already (and am looking forward to spectacular bruising photos), but I don't trust homeopathy as far as I can throw it (which, not at all) and neither should you. (No offense to Bruno, who seems lovely.) The second it does anything other than bruise, get thee to a hospital immediately!

    On another note, I owe you an email! Keep a look out!

    1. :) looking forward to it!
      and I think we will both be disappointed with the bruising, unfortunately. this morning it was oozing a bit of blood, but otherwise entirely normal looking. i'm quite lucky and certainly won't need anything more than a change of bandaid for a while!

  2. Alexandra, i am glad to see that this was a dull axe; you are supposed to hold the wood on the side, never with the thumb of fingers on top where you aim to cut the wood. I see that you will have to be giving some lessons on how to be a woodsmen, maybe there is a program out there just for that "living by wood"!

    1. holy crow, Dad, I may be a little scatterbrained sometimes, but I have a very healthy fear of sharp tools and I would never swing an axe at my own thumb!

      I was moving the axe, not swinging it, bringing it back to the chopping block with another log, and it banged into my thumb--i don't remember enough to explain it better than that. I looked down because my thumb hurt (i thought i had just crushed and bruised it) and then it was bleeding, so i stuck it in my mouth and hustled to the house.

      I actually think it was a very sharp axe. what I've learned from this is that you put the axe down in a safe place, you don't tote it around with you as you move wood around.

  3. Hi Sweetheart. So glad that all is well with your thumb...and as you know, I'm all about homeopathy. That's why your thumb is doing so well. That's all.
