Saturday, June 22, 2013

I've Been Sewing Like Crazy

So far I've made:
1 shirt for Sebastien,
1 shirt for Kate,
2 pairs of pants (for Sebastien and Bruno),
1 tank for Bruno,
and 1 dress for Irene.
I've hemmed two towels and one silk shawl,
patched a pair of pants and some 14th century-style underwear,
and I'm working on sewing some trousers for Emerick*.

Now, I've done some sewing in my time, if you know what I mean, but working on these basic clothing pieces has changed how I think about starting a project.  Sewing is really simple!  You cut out some shapes and you put the shapes together.  There's an order of operations that makes sense.  I don't have any zippers, and I hate sewing more buttonholes than necessary, so I get creative with closures.  I'm not a fan of drafting sleeveheads, so I made raglan sleeves on Kate's shirt and simple gusseted rectangles for Sebastien's.  I'm feeling more and more confident that I can whip something up in no time at all or realize some of the more fanciful doodles that fill my notebooks.  The veil of mystery is parting, even more that it has already!

Thursday afternoon Bruno was all "Irene doesn't have anything nice to wear to the wedding we are going to", and I was like "oo, I'd love to sew a dress for a little girl!".  He told me what fabric I could use, I sketched for a minute, and voila!  By Friday afternoon Irene was twirling around in her new dress.  It twirls pretty well, if I do say so myself.

 The fabric is Bruno's signature weave, "Toile de Peillac", in 100% hemp.  

I think she really likes it :)

*That last one is a private commission that I'm working on in my spare time.  The best part is, he's paying me in money!


  1. I know this said often but it's true so consider the weight of the following statement.
    You are amazing and constantly finding new ways to be so. You bring, in so many ways, beauty into this world.
    Thank you for sharing your adventures. The dress is beautiful and it's plain to see that she loves it and feels prettier wearing it. :)

  2. Alexandra, I love the dress! You have truly picked up the genes from my father's sister and my mother's aunt and even Mamacita who didn't really sew a lot but could knit like crazy. It's all in the family and you are doing wonderful things with your talent. I'm so glad that you brought so much joy to her. You will leave your footprint there and will be sorely missed.

  3. Another thing that is wonderful about that dress is that she can wear it for a long, long time because there is room to grow in it. You have created a Princess with a capital P!
