Saturday, June 9, 2012

Moved In! Unpacked!!

Today I finally unpacked because we moved into our more permanent location, and I have entirely too many clothes.  What the heck did I think I was going to do with five dresses, four skirts, and five pairs of pants??  I may only do laundry twice this summer.
But about the new apartment.  It.  Is.  Beautiful!!!!  and Big!!!!  and Bright with floor to ceiling windows!!!

Here are some photos of the old place:

Couch = the pull-out bed I slept in
One table for all our computing, eating, studying needs!
See the bathroom past the kitchen?  Yup.  There was a set of blinds for privacy.
Bird's eye view of the bathroom.  You've already seen the tub, to the left.

It was small.  In this new apartment, we have a Front Hall:

How spacious!

And I have my own room:

How luxurious!

And we have a REAL shower with two sinks:

How avant-garde!

And the living room is single-purpose!  Just for living:

How novel!
Plus a dining room, a (relatively) big kitchen, another half bath, and a private bedroom for Liz!  AND there is an elevator!!  
And our street is solely devoted to music stores and guitar shops, and you can hear music floating on the breeze now and then.  A guy with an electric guitar was rocking out as we walked past this morning (so cool!).  There is also a nice park nearby, Moulin Rouge just around the corner, and a Swedish grocery for all my gravy-making needs!

I think I'm going to like it here.

1 comment:

  1. I love it!!!! I'm trying really hard not to be jealous. Really, all I have to do is remember the first few weeks of my mission when I couldn't communicate with anyone and I'm somewhat less jealous, but not completely. :)
