Monday, June 11, 2012

Danse Classique = Ballet

I plan on taking ballet classes once a week (at least) this summer.  And since I have no preference as to which teacher or which school to attend, I think I might sample all of them.  Then, if I have a few weeks left, I'll pick my favorite class and attend it regularly.

But wait.
I just thought:  wouldn't it be nice to get to know the instructor, to come to anticipate his/her instructions, patterns, style, feel at home in the class and build relationships with people?  Probably.

Either way, I'm using this post to compile the information I am gleaning from the interwebs.  Also, I can't find any paper in my house, and this is the next best thing.  
Criteria: Evenings during the week, adult beginner class.  Here we go:

Center du danse du Marais  <--good online review
41, rue du Temple (4th)
Frederic Lazzarelli - Tues 19h* (beginner 1), Thurs 19h (beginner 2)
Daniella Rajchman - Wed 20h30 (technical basis)(?)
Elisabeth Fable - Mon 20h30h (Though she will be gone from the end of July through August.  Oh the Europeans and their vacations...)
individual course: 18
4 course package: 64
8 course package: 105
12 course package: 146
obligatory membership fee: 12
(oo!  with this membership, I get 10% off at American Apparel!  and some other stores...)

Studio l'Envol  <--no one talks about them but them...
40, rue de la Folie Regnaul (11th)
Katia Fleming - Sat (um... maybe?) 17h30-19h 
trial course:  15
individual courses after the first two: 18
4 course package: 60
10 course package: 135

Studio Harmonic  <--two word-of-mouth reviews so far
5, passage des Taillandier (11th)
Marie Perruchet - Mon 19h (beginner/average level)
Alexandre de la Caffiniere - Thurs 19h ("special debutant".  I have no idea what that means, but I'm pretty special); Fri 19h (beginner/average level)
individual courses:  16
10 course package: 152 (includes membership fee of 32)

Paris Dance School  <--just came up on google
2, rue de la Roquette (11th)
Elena Verdi - Fri 18h-19h30
individual course: 15
10 course package: 160 (includes membership fee of 20)

Ecole de danse Amana Studio  <--also from google
12, rue Froidevaux (14th) <--that seems too far away from the apparently legit core of dance studios around the Bastille Metro station...
Christian Poggioli - Mon 18h-19h15 (beginner 1 and 2)
Hanae Mizumoto - 20h15-21h40 (beginner 1 and 2)
--------wait!!!  this studio closes from July to September 3rd!  Nevermind-------

Thanks for your patience!  Sorry for boring you all.  That was a lot of work.  I am going to sleep on it and make some decisions in the morning.  I may take two classes this week and then decide...

Oh la la!  Danse classique au Paris!

*I would like you all to notice my very European method of noting the time.  I think it looks cool, and it is also quite rational.

1 comment:

  1. You should also consider this new class for advanced and professionals:
    Ghislain de Compreignac - 11am, Monday to Friday, at Centre de Danse du Marais.
    He has astonishing comments on his guest book:
