Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Je suis la nounou

I have a theory for why Europeans don't bathe very often.  It is because they haven't learned to enjoy the cleansing process.  Look at our tiny shower:
Teeny tiny bathtub, the perfect size for Sophie but with scarcely any room for my two feet.  Yes, it is quite cute, but in "cute" read "cramped".  With that stupid hand-held shower-head that makes daily bathing a nuisance.  I'm not showering tomorrow morning.  I just don't want to.  When in Rome and all that.

Also, I held a pseudo conversation with a French mom I met at a park!  Her little girl, Romi, was so friendly, with un belle sourire (new word!).  I also learned that I am a nounou!  a nanny!  I somehow managed to convey that by saying "je non suis... mama".  I think that was wrong, but she got the point and told me what I was.  She pointed to Sophie's big blue eyes and mine, and asked if we were somehow related (at least, I'm pretty sure that's what she asked), and I said "non".  I'm practically fluent!

Me!  The nounou! and the cutie-pie Soph :)

I also learned how to say "bless you" when someone sneezes, mainly because Liz has been sneezing all day.  It is... now let me remember...  "au te..."  oh, dash it all.  Interglot.com help me!  À tes souhaits.  Thank you.  It is pronounced "Ah teh sweigh", approximately.  :)

Also I saw Le Moulin Rouge.  It isn't that grand, and it is on a street with all kinds of sex shops.  I wonder if can-can girls still dance there.  And if they wear enough clothes for me to feel comfortable attending one of their shows.


  1. CanCan girls do, in fact, still dance at Le Moulin Rouge. And, if I recall my friend K's story correctly, they aren't wearing much at all...

  2. I love this! I remember when I saw the Moulin Rouge, from the bus, in the rain ... I too was not impressed. If only I could send you a "normal" sized bath tub for your birthday; that would be something you could use! How about an inflatable pool? Good luck <3
