Monday, June 25, 2012

Blog as Notebook

I have a crazy idea, so I need a place to collect information.  Since the information that I'm finding is online, it seems best to use this space as a notepad for my thoughts and links.  You really don't have to read it.

In short, I'm looking for a grant to live off of while doing just what I want.  And I am going to stay that vague.

The National Endowment for the Humanities:

This Scholarly Editions and Translations grant could be for up to three years of translating/compiling a scholarly work.  I would need to follow these guidelines for scholarly works and these guidelines for documentary editing.  I would also need a team of scholars to work with on this project, including at least an editor.  Since it is an involved application process and not many people apply, 44% of applicants actually get funded.  I have one idea for this (very complicated and involved), but I could conceive of others.

This Fellowship, very general and open-ended, has a much lower rate of acceptance:  7%.  This one probably fits my original idea best, in that there is no fitting to be done, but it would be hard to actually get the money.  I do think that my idea is fascinating and unique, so maybe it wouldn't be too hard ;)

If I could find one other person to go in with me on my original idea, somehow, I could fit the bill for this Collaborative Research Grant.  I generally have thought of this as a one-woman show, but who knows; two minds are better than one.  This grant has a 13% acceptance rate.

Oo!  A grant for starting something in the Digital Humanities... that could be PERFECT.  Here is a grant for further implementation of the same sorts of ideas.

This Humanities Collection and Reference Resources Grant could actually work, too, as long as an individual could apply.  Hm, but the deadline is July 19th.  I'm not sure if I could make that this year, even with all my spare time rattling around...

The American Historical Association:

They only grant grants to members, and awarded funds are relatively small ($800-1000), but if I need an extra boost, I could definitely try for them in the categories of Research in the Western Hemisphere, Research in Colonial American History, and Research in the History of Europe (et al).

The Costume Society of America:

They have a travel research grant for $1600.  Not bad!  Unfortunately you have to be a member for the past two years.  I used to be a member.  Maybe I should join up again and thus have a way to support myself for a month two years from now...

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