Friday, June 22, 2012

La Princesse qui n'avait pas de Royaume

I bought this adorable picture book, a fairy tale called "The Princess who didn't have a Kingdom".  I have an inkling that this story is a parable for my life.  But I'm not entirely sure, because I can't quite understand all of it.  So I am going to translate it for you all, bit by bit.  Also I'm doing it for French study.  It is by Ursula Jones and Sarah Gibb.

Here I go:

Once upon a time there was a princess who didn't have a kingdom.  She didn't own anything but a cart and a pretty little mare named Coquette.  Every day, the princess guided her cart a little farther on the lookout for a kingdom, shielding herself when it rained with a big red umbrella.  And every day, the people asked at her passing: "Oh!  Princess have you found your kingdom?"
At that, she would smile sadly and shake her head.  But everyone agreed in saying that she was a good and a real princess, even without a kingdom. First of all, she had that look about her, and further, wasn't that why everyone called her "the  princess without a kingdom?"

The princess without a kingdom was not rich, as is the wont of princesses, but she earned a big of my by transporting strange packages which were impossible to send via the post: for example, ostrich eggs at the point of hatching, dogs searching for new horizons, or even unmanageable grannies.
And with all of the work of her deliveries, she continued to find herself a kingdom.  "There's got to be one of them around here somewhere," she murmured in Coquette's ear.  "A princess without a kingdom, it isn't actually possible!"  And Coquette nodded her head up and down with a wise look.

To be continued...

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