Sunday, July 15, 2012

My 10 Favorite Moments From This Weekend

(not necessarily in this order)

1.  finding myself utterly alone in the Chatelet metro station and deciding to go to the firemen's ball by myself.
2.  discovering a tiny, untamed patch of park just up the hill from my house where I sat on the grass in the sun, remembering my earliest childhood memories and writing my personal history.
3.  realizing that Sophie is calling me "Dra"!
4.  booking it down the boulevard on the left bank of the Seine with a pack of French boys to make it to the fireworks on time.
5.  watching Sophie walk over to me with that adorable grin on her face as soon as I get up in the mornings and when she gets home from outings with her mom.
6.  bearing testimony of the gospel several times over the course of a very protracted conversation on the Law of Chastity, never feeling ashamed, and growing ever stronger in my conviction.
7.  feeling interesting and intriguing and unique and desired as good company.
8.  jumping the turnstile to get into the metro station in time for the last train of the night (I have a monthly pass that ought to work, but I think they just locked up the turnstile before the last train arrived, for some French reason.  There were police standing around, watching everyone jump the gate, doing nothing.  Even so, it made me feel hard core.)
9.  singing the first verse of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah over and over on the walk to the Champs Elysees in the middle of the Parisian night.
10.  viewing the fireworks from the perfect spot right by the Eiffel Tower decorated with a gigantic disco ball.

so good :)


  1. This is so cool. There will be better words, but that is where I will begin.

  2. #7 is my favorite. And I super love you. :)

  3. ....vicariously through you.... xo me
