Sunday, July 6, 2014

First of all he decided that from that day on he would no longer set his hopes on the extraordinary happiness that marriage was to have given him, and therefore would not belittle the present so much.  
-Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina, Part 1, section xxvi

I read that piece several weeks ago, and I thought it had a charming ring, despite the fact that the character it describes doesn't actually remain in that zen-like state of present-ness for very long.  Nevertheless, it is a sentiment that I am often told would do me good if I adopted it, so let's put it at the head.  And let's move on.

I got here on a Tuesday night.  Let's see...  On Wednesday I got a driving tour around the island and a technical tour around the museum I'm helping to install.  There was also a trivia game at the resort bar.  On Thursday we got down to work and then attended a birthday party for one of the resort staff and danced the night away!  More on that night later.  On Friday we worked the morning and then took off for the beach for some fourth of July snorkline.  More on that underwater adventure later.  That evening we fell in with some ne'er-do-wells who bought me ginger ales at the bar and then convinced us to look for hatching turtles in the middle of the night.  More on that later.  On Saturday we slept in and then worked all day and then had a quiet night doing laundry and falling asleep to the first LOTR movie.  Sunday is today, and I took the day off and went to church.  I have two weeks exactly until I fly home, and there are less than two weeks until the grand opening of the Little Cayman Museum!  We have to hustle!!

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