Sunday, January 3, 2016

Chinese Old People Doing Cool Things, Plus Bottle-Fed Goldfish

On one of my walks last week, I wandered through a park and came across Chinese people doing all kinds of outdoor activities.  I learned that the Chinese yo-yo is not just for street artists and that dancing in the street actually happens in China and no one gets embarrassed.  I think my favorite were the guys writing Chinese characters in water on the slate sidewalks with giant brush-shaped sponges.  Look!

And now for the amazing gravity-defying top-spinner man!!

I saw a group of old ladies in matching velour suits doing tai chi.  One of these days, I'm going to join a group like that.  It looks wonderfully centering and refreshing.
A group of old guys surrounded a cluster of benches, where some of their number were playing games.  Maybe Mahjong?  Or Chinese Chess?  The group was scattered with parked scooters and even one guy getting a hair cut on a barber chair!

Then there was a really dirty sign for what looked like feeding goldfish in a pond with a baby bottle.
Joel was skeptical but read the Chinese and confirmed that that's what it said.  And youtube turns up some supporting evidence! 
Surprise surprise!  Fish like drinking out of bottles!

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