Saturday, July 30, 2011

To Sleep in the Coolest Tree Ever

I've always prided myself on being a good tree-climber.  I had a climbing tree when I was little and I would scramble my way to the most spindly branches and just sit and sway in the breeze.  I felt very accomplished to have climbed so many trees in my yard and never broken a bone.  So in high school, when I heard about organizations like Tree Climbers International or the New England Tree Climber's Association, I thought it was the coolest thing ever!  I contemplated becoming a professional tree climber (they do exist), but that dream eventually went the way of most dreams.

But yesterday I was watching the BBC program Planet Earth and saw some of the coolest trees ever.
 This is a Madagascar Baobab tree.   

Don't you think it would be entirely comfortable to sleep up on top of that thick trunk, in the middle of that spread of branches?  It would have the most marvelous view.  And, in the rainy season, these huge pink and yellow flowers bloom at night, opening fully in just a minute or so.  Wouldn't that be so cool to see first-hand?  Then you could sit among swarms of moths and lemurs and watch them feast on the nectar.  So it would be a little wet and buggy, but it would be awesome, too!

1 comment:

  1. Holly molly this is cool! Been a tree climber myself for the first quarter of my life. Haha feels nostalgic. The scenarios and the cool breeze of air really craves me the most. buy aion accounts
